by lweber | Apr 19, 2012 | Our News
Many of us use computers for a large part of our work day. If you’re reading this, you’re clearly a computer user! Our green tip for today is just for you…
Green Tip #4
If you have the option, use a laptop computer (or a tablet or smartphone). Laptops only use 15-20 watts, whereas desktop computers with monitors use about 150 watts. Considering the number of hours we all use computers each week, this savings really adds up for your wallet and the planet. This is also a good tip to remember when you’re shopping for a new computer. Go small, and go green!
For more information on the steps we take to be green at Minuteman Press, visit our Earth Day 2012 page.
by lweber | Apr 18, 2012 | Networking Event, Our News

What a great way to start the day! Thank you to the Chicopee Chamber of Commerce for honoring Minuteman Press today at the April Salute Breakfast. The chamber gave us a salute for our new building and wished us continued success in our business.
Michael is shown above receiving a certificate from Jeffrey Hayden from the Kittredge Center at Holyoke Community College. Jeffrey served as the Chief Greeter this morning.
by lweber | Apr 18, 2012 | Our News
Here we are at Wednesday, already half way through our week-long Earth Day celebration. There’s still plenty of time to keep the dialogue going this week by sharing tips and talking about all things “green”.
Green Tip #3
When choosing to make green choices for your food and cleaning products, don’t overlook personal care products like hand soap, shampoo, and cosmetics!
“Our skin is highly permeable. Less than one-tenth of an inch thick, skin is a porous membrane that is highly sensitive to toxic chemicals. What we put on our skin affects our health just as much as, if not more than, what we put in our mouths.” (Samuel S. Epstein, Cancer prevention expert, Prof. emeritus at U. of IL School of Public Health, Chicago)
Many personal care products contain ingredients that are designed to improve the feel of a product against your skin, or to extend its shelf-life. Many of these ingredients – such as phthalates, parabens, and propylene glycol – have been shown to have harmful effects on our bodies. Don’t be fooled by nice fragrances or packaging…read the labels! You will be amazed at the number of products you use on a daily basis that contain these ingredients. Switching to natural products protects your body and the environment.
Excellent articles on this topic:
Risks From Toxic Ingredients In Cosmetics, And Personal Care Products (The Huffington Post, written by Samuel S. Epstein, Cancer prevention expert, Prof. emeritus at U. of IL School of Public Health, Chicago)
About Face – Toxic Cosmetics – Learn what ingredients used in makeup could be hazardous to your health (Time magazine, written by Bryan Walsh)
For more information on the steps we take to be green at Minuteman Press, visit our Earth Day 2012 page.
by lweber | Apr 17, 2012 | Our News
Our week-long celebration of Earth Day continues with our next tip for making green choices in your home and business.
Green Tip #2:
Have you heard the term “eCycle”? This term refers to recycling your old cell phones, computers, and electronic devices to keep reusable materials out of our landfills. Recycling materials like copper and gold from electronic devices also reduces the need to mine new material. eCycling also catches contaminants and prevents them from entering our soil and water.
For more information on where you can eCycle, click here.
For more information on the steps we take to be green at Minuteman Press, visit our Earth Day 2012 page.
by lweber | Apr 16, 2012 | Our News

Our week-long celebration of Earth Day has begun. Each day this week, we’ll be posting ideas to help you make your business and home a “greener” place. Please share your own ideas with us!
Green Tip #1:
Dust lightbulbs, lamps, and windows to let more light shine through. If your lamp are dusty and dim, chances are you’ll turn on additional lighting to compensate. Why not add this simple task to your spring cleaning list?
For more information on the steps we take to be green at Minuteman Press, visit our Earth Day page.
by lweber | Mar 30, 2012 | Our News
Michael was asked to serve as the treasurer for the board of directors at the Gray House and was honored to accept this position. He hopes to help the organization by providing business insight and reviewing their financial operations. Michael has also been active at the Gray House this year planning their first Murder Mystery fundraiser scheduled for Friday, May 11th.
The Gray House is a 501c3 non-profit organization that serves the north end of Springfield. The organization is engaged withchildren in the community, providing after-school and summer programs for disadvantaged families. The Gray House also provides ESL classes, tutoring, and citizenship preparation for adults.